15 Adar 2 5782

15 Adar 2 5782

The Yeshiva celebrated פורים קטן as usual At lunchtime there was a סעודה organised for the בני הישיבה and the dais was graced by the משגיח Horav Karnowsky. Reb Simcha Feld addressed the Yeshiva in the spirit of the day.
Over thirty boys from Manchester Mesivta came to spend שבת in Yeshiva.
20 boys from Tal Torah in Antwerp visited the Yeshiva.
The Rosh Hayeshiva introduced full יום כיפור קטן davening on ערב ר”ח אדר ב’ in light of the war in Ukraine
Horav Simcha Feld was in London to interview prospective Talmidim
The Yeshiva subsidised MP3 players for music to encourage the Bochurim to give up their mobile phones. This campaign was headed by Horav Benzion Fierstone.

The Yeshiva is now preparation for the grand Yeshiva event with a special seuda and a chance for the talmidim to show off their skills at arranging the annual Purim Spiel.
Work has started on a revamp of the GYA web-site


• Horav Reb Ezriel Rosenbaum travelled to ארץ ישראל to celebrate the חתונה of a grandchild of Family R’ Avrohom Rosenbaum.
• מזל טוב to Mr. Chaim Karniol, Accounts Manager of Gateshead Yeshiva on the birth of a baby girl.
• מזל טוב to Horav Reb Rephoel Lieberman on the upcoming חתונה of his daughter to XXX Hepner from