Dinner 2020

Dinner 2020 Brochure Form

Please select the appropriate item and make sure to add your text for the advert (or email your design directly to [email protected]). We look forward to welcoming you to the dinner.
To pay with your credit card – select the PayPal option below.

£ 1,000

You have chosen to donate £1,000 once.

Brochure Advert
Advert Selection
Dinner Attendance
There is an additional £100 donation for the Dinner
Receipt Request
Select Payment Method
Personal Info


Donation Total: £1,000 for 12

The Talmidim and Friends of the Yeshiva have undertaken to learn משניות

לע”נ הרבנית מרת גיטל ע״ה בת יבלח”ט מורנו הרב ר’ אברהם שליט”א
A סיום הש”ס will be held at the forthcoming Dinner on Tuesday 21st January 2020 /
כ”ד טבת תש”פ. To participate please click below to select your משניות.

If you would like to make a separate stand alone donation please follow the button below.

Revisit the last dinner… get together again for this great occasion… save the date… book your place now!