
Welcome to our special Purim 2021 web-page 

Welcome to our special Purim page with news from the Yeshiva, new projects, a chance to browse through some really old pictures at your leisure, some choir recordings, and the chance to participate in a Purim Appeal

Donate directly to the Purim Appeal through Achisomoch

News from the Yeshiva - hot off the press

News from the Yeshiva: There are currently 400 boys in the Yeshiva – almost a record.! During the summer we converted the buildings in Rectory road (which the Yeshiva admin uses) to add a further 14 bedrooms in order to accommodate 43 boys – together with extra facilities

Gateshead Yeshiva like all academic colleges has had tremendous challenges to cope with the Covid Pandemic and still keep “the engines running” The Yeshiva Board allocated significant extra funding to make the Yeshiva a safe place and remain open in line with government legislation. A year ago they were forced to send Talmidim home. Shiurim and chizuk switched swiftly to phone/computer platforms so that the time spent in learning and shiurim was almost unaffected by the pandemic.  Makeshift centres began to sprout in London, Belgium and Switzerland as per the various authorities. With good fortune, many returned to the Yeshiva for Ellul albeit under constraints and limitations.

We salute the administration led by R’ Shimon Guttentag and R’ Totty Lebrecht and their devoted team for coping with the extraordinary pressures.  Everything was preplanned and they worked almost daily with the local and national agencies. They managed isolated, and supportid the 19 boys who suffered from the virus – all of whom are fully recovered bH
Today they have ensured optimum conditions for our Rabbonim, Talmidim and Staff, alike.- and all shiurim are proceeding normally as in  previous years.

List of Alumni

Updated Alumni List  as of 18 Feb (this week!) is now available,  Just click here www.gyalumni.org/alumnilist. There are now over 7,000 people who have been thru the Yeshiva’s doors and the number of talmidim in the yeshiva is on the rise.

Old Photos

A prototype of the new archive system with old photos, documents, shiurim and even videos is gaining momentum – click here to see the system. A snippet from the songs from the talents of the famed Gateshead Yeshiva choir and alumni. nay be seen here

Video Presentation

Ta'anis Esther 5781: A message to all our alumni from the Rosh Hayeshiva.

Into the Future

This space is reserved for glimpses of our new project for the expansion to the Yeshiva campus

Building the Future

We now look forward to more stable times ahead. Given the expected growth and in line with ever changing regulations of health and safety standards, we intend to recruit more מחנכים to support our student body. We have also started on plans to build a new building on Rectory Road to alleviate and improve living conditions for our בחורים.

Would you like to send a message (or even questions) to the Hanholoh or to the Yeshiva admin. They will be manually checked and then pass to the recipients – we can’t guarantee that you will get a supa-fast response, but we will try to make sure that its dealt with.

For the Office: [email protected]
For the Hanholo: [email protected]

Purim Appeal : Our ראשי הישיבה are in lockdown and unable to leave Gateshead – they cannot visit donors for their annual appeal. All efforts to operate the Yeshiva, at this difficult time involves extra expense. Yet, unfortunately, the fundraising on which we depend is almost non-existent.

We would ask you to consider making your annual donation to the Yeshiva now.   Please include Gateshead Yeshiva in your generosity over Purim. Click here to pay by credit card or Paypal (or on the top right to via Achisomoch in the UK).

Finally,  A Frelichen Purim to all our alumni and friends.